Frequently Asked Questions


 What are the City Hall office hours?

Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.

City Hall moved to 201 E Willis Street. On "Main" Street, next to Kathy's Kitchen.

 What is the Garbage and recycling pick up schedule?

Trash pick up is every Tuesday morning. Recycling pick up is every 2nd and 4th Thursday. Contact B&B Sanitation if you were missed, 507-893-3873.

 At what point is a snow emergency declared?

During Snow Removal (1” accumulation):  No Parking on the first two blocks of East Willis Street (Main Street) from 2:00 am to completion of snow removal; nor on any other street from 2:00 am to 10:00 am.  Please do not park of the north side of East Willis Street when the snow is in a windrow.  Normal parking may resume once snow removal is completed

 Do I need a permit for a recreational fire?

OPEN BURNING in the City:
The burning of leaves is only allowed from October 1st to December 1st. Campfires are permitted, subject to restrictions, any campfire located in the City must be contained in a fire pit not more than 5’ in diameter with sides of non-combustible material and at least 6” high, and may be either a below or above ground structure.
-NO burning is allowed during fire danger alerts.
-No leaf burning or campfires are allowed on public property nor on theproperty of another without permission.
-Adequate measures are to be taken toprevent the fire from spreading to within 30’ of any structure. Any fire authorized by this Code will be constantly attended
until extinguished--a garden hose orother extinguishing equipment is to be readily available for use.
-Leaf burning means LEAF burning!
-No person may burn garbage or any other substance or material for which burning is prohibited by State Statute.    

When you burn under the provisions of this code, for your safety, please exercise caution and take efforts to avoid health and nuisance issues with your neighbors by giving due consideration to the wind velocity and
              Thank you for your cooperation!


 Can I use the park shelter?

To reserve the City Park Shelter House, please call City Hall, 507-943-3236. You are welcome to use the City Park restrooms and shelter at your convenience by reserving and picking up a key at City Hall. There is no charge to do so. Keys must be returned promptly after using!

 How do I pay my utility bill?

Utility bills are mailed out around the 8th of each month.

They can be paid in-person at 201 E Willis St, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Cash, check and credit cards are all accepted.

After hours they may be put in the dropbox on the wall by the front entrance of City Hall.

You may pay by credit card over the phone, in-person or by going to The credit card processing company adds a fee for each transaction.

 What are the brushsite hours?

Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Saturdays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (9:00 am - 5:00 pm in May and October). Brush and leaves only! No garbage!