Fun Facts

  • In 1856, Elmore was known as "Dobson"
  • Elmore's first baby (Clara Stockman) was born
  • In 1858, Minnesota became a state
  • 1863:  Elmore's name was changed from Dobson to Elmore--the state legislature changed the name to honor Judge A.E. Elmore who represented this area
  • In 1879, the first building was built on Main Street
  • In 1880, the Village of Elmore was incorporated and north and south railroad lines joined in Elmore
  • The first blacksmith shop was started in 1885
  • In 1880, the population was 434
  • 1988: Vereide Evangelical Lutheran Church and 1st National Bank
  • 1989: Emerson Drug Store
  • 1890: Population 434
  • 1892: Riverside Cemetary
  • 1894: First Veterinarian; Elmore was re-incorporated
  • Elmore had 5 saloons in 1896
  • In 1897, the post office got its own building--was always housed in other buildings
  • In 1898, the pumping station was built.  The front was the Village Hall, the side was the jail, and there was a 60' wooden water tank
  • 1902: Elmore qualified for state aid for schools
  • 1905 was the first graduating class of Elmore
  • In 1909 the City Park was built
  • The population in 1912 was 1,000
  • 1914: First football team
  • Electricity came to Elmore in 1915
  • The Legion formed in 1919
  • In 1923, there were two passenger trains to the Cities every day leaving at 6:30a and returning by 10:30p
  • In 1933 Elmore was free of debt
  • 1935: First Firemen's Ball
  • 1938: US Highway 169 was paved between Elmore and Blue Earth
  • 1940: Joining of Hwy 169 between MN & IA
  • 1942: The speed limit was lowered to 40 mph to conserve tires
  • In 1946, Walter "Fritz" Mondale graduated from EHS--he was know as "Crazy Legs" in football
  • 1952:  First kindergarten class
  • 1957:  Huge fire destroyed numerous businesses on Main Street 

                                                                          Info provided by Kathy Gill